Showing posts with label Dwaraka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dwaraka. Show all posts

Friday 24 July 2020


Dasakam 79 - Rukmini Vivaham

Krishna entered Kundini kingdom and Bhishmaka, King of Kundini welcomed him with honours.
Balaraman got to know that Krishna had gone to Kundini and took his army and reached Kundini to be of support to Krishna. The Brahmin approached Rukmini and informed her of Krishna's arrival. Rukmini was overjoyed by the news and prostrated the Brahmin immediately. The people of Kundini saw the beautiful and charming Krishna and felt sad about Rukmi's decision to give Rukmini in marriage to Shishupala. They spent entire night, sleepless and in sorrow.

Next day morning Rukmini, who face resembled as beautiful as moon, decked in her bridal dress and jewelry, came out of her palace. Having set her mind, heart and soul on Krishna, Rukmini, surrounded by guards, went to the Ambika temple to pray to goddess Parvati. Rukmini entered the temple with the noble women and did pooja for Goddess Parvati and prostrated at her feet. She prayed again and again that only Krishna should marry her.

The kings assembled outside the temple eagerly to see the beautiful princess Rukmini. Krishna also was standing along with them but little aloof. As she came out of the temple, her radiating beauty mesmerised the kings and people on all sides. Krishna was enchanted by her when she cast her side glance on him. Krishna went near her and asked where she was heading to and while speaking only, he took her hand, led her to the chariot and drove away with her. There was a loud protest from the onlookers.

The angered kings including Salva searched where the cowherd boy had gone and put up a fight. They were easily defeated by Yadavas. A lion is not affected by the barking of dogs, similarly Krishna was unaffected by the enraged and evil minded kings. Next, enraged Rukmi attacked Krishna. Defeating him effortlessly, Krishna was refrained from killing him by Rukmini. Krishna then tied his hands with a vasthra and shaved of his beard and hair thus humbling his pride. With request of Balarama, Krishna released Rukmi from bondage and proceeded to Dwaraka with Rukmini, who is Mahalakshmi herself.

Rukmini felt shy with her union with Krishna and her joy increased with the love experienced. Krishna sported with her in privacy and Rukmini's face beamed with charming smile. Krishna delighted Rukmini, day and night, with his pleasant talks and jokes. One time, Krishna with his doubtful words made the simple and honest minded Rukmini to get agitated. Krishna teased her for wanting to get married to a cowherd-boy when so many kings were seeking her hand. He said she had listened to the Brahman's words and decided to marry Krishna, who does not own any kingdom. He went to the extent of telling that she can chose a different person too, instead. Hearing this, Rukmini fell unconscious. Then Krishna consoled her and made her happy again.

Krishna and Rukmini were given a jubilant welcome at Dwarka and marriage took place with great pomp and glory. Their union was inevitable on earth as they were divine consorts, Vishnu and Mahalakshmi. Having spoken only the glory of Lord always, Bhattathiri requested that he be protected from all miseries due to the disease. Lord Guruvayoorappan promptly acknowledged his request.

Lyrics of Dasakam 79

बल समेत बलानुगतो भवान् 
पुरमगाहत भीष्मक मानित: ।
द्विज सुतं त्वदुपागम वादिनं 
धृतरसा तरसा प्रणनाम सा ।।१॥

bala sameta balaanugatO bhavaan 
puramagaahata bhiiShmaka maanita: |
dvija sutaM tvadupaagama vaadinaM 
dhR^itarasaa tarasaa praNanaama saa || 1 ||

भुवन कान्तम् अवेक्ष्य भवत् वपु: 
र्नृप सुतस्य निशम्य च चेष्टितम् ।
विपुल खेदजुषां पुरवासिनां 
सरुदितै: उदितै: अगमन्निशा ॥२॥

bhuvana kaantam avekshya bhavat vapu:
nR^ipa sutasya nishamya cha cheShTitam |
vipula khedajuShaaM puravaasinaaM 
saruditai: uditai: agamannishaa || 2 ||

तदनु वन्दितुम् इन्दुमुखी शिवां 
विहित मङ्गल भूषण भासुरा ।
निरगमत् भवदर्पित जीविता 
स्वपुरत: पुरत: सुभटावृता ॥३॥

tadanu vanditum indumukhii shivaaM 
vihita mangala bhuuShaNa bhaasuraa |
niragamat bhavadarpita jiivitaa 
svapurata: purata: subhaTaavR^itaa || 3 ||

कुल वधूभि: उपेत्य कुमारिका
गिरिसुतां परिपूज्य च सादरम् ।
मुहुरयाचत तत्पद पङ्कजे 
निपतिता पतितां तव केवलम् ॥४॥

kula vadhuubhi: upetya kumaarikaa
girisutaaM paripuujya cha saadaram |
muhurayaachata tatpada pankaje 
nipatitaa patitaaM tava kevalam || 4 ||

समवलोक कुतूहल सङ्कुले 
नृपकुले निभृतं त्वयि च स्थिते ।
नृपसुता निरगात् गिरिजालयात् 
सुरुचिरं रुचि रञ्जित दिङ्मुखा ॥५॥

samavalOka kutuuhala sankule 
nR^ipakule nibhR^itaM tvayi cha sthite |
nR^ipasutaa niragaad girijaalayaat
suruchiraM ruchira~njita di~Nmukhaa || 5 ||

भुवन मोहन रूपरुचा तदा 
विवशिताखिल राज कदम्बया ।
त्वमपि देव कटाक्ष विमोक्षणै: 
प्रमदया मदयाञ्चकृषे मनाक् ॥६॥

bhuvana mOhana ruuparuchaa tadaa 
vivashitaakhila raaja kadambayaa |
tvamapi deva kaTaaksha vimOkshaNai:
pramadayaa madayaaMchakR^iShe manaak || 6 ||

क्वनु गमिष्यसि चन्द्रमुखीति तां 
सरसमेत्य करेण हरन् क्षणात् ।
समधिरोप्य रथं त्वम् अपाहृथा 
भुवि ततो विततो निनदोद्विषाम् ॥७॥

kvanu gamiShyasi chandramukhiiti taaM 
sarasametya kareNa haran kshaNaat |
samadhirOpya rathaM tvam apaahR^ithaa
bhuvi tatO vitatO ninadOdviShaam || 7 ||

क्व नु गत: पशुपाल इति क्रुधा 
कृतरणा यदुभिश्च जिता नृपा: ।
न तु भवान् उदचाल्यत तैरहो 
पिशुनकै: शुनकैरिव केसरी ॥८॥

kvanu gata: pashupaala iti krudhaa
kR^itaraNaa yadubhishcha jitaa nR^ipaa: |
na tu bhavaan udachaalyata tairahO 
pishunakai: shunakairiva kesarii || 8 ||

तदनु रुक्मिणम् आगतम् आहवे 
वधमुपेक्ष्य निबध्य विरूपयन् ।
हृतमदं परिमुच्य बलोक्तिभि: 
पुरमया रमया सह कान्तया ॥९॥

tadanu rukmiNam aagatam aahave
vadhamupekshya nibadhya viruupayan |
hR^itamadaM parimuchya balOktibhi:
puramayaa ramayaa saha kaantayaa || 9 ||

नव समागम लज्जित मानसां 
प्रणय कौतुक जृम्भित मन्मथाम् ।
अरमय: खलु नाथ यथासुखं 
रहसि तां हसितांशुल सन्मुखीम् ॥१०॥

nava samaagama lajjita maanasaaM 
praNaya kautuka jR^imbhita manmathaam |
aramaya: khalu naatha yathaa sukhaM 
rahasi taaM hasitaamshula sanmukhiim || 10 ||

विविध नर्मभिरेवम् अहर्निशं
प्रमदम् आकलयन् पुनरेकदा ।
ऋजुमते: किल वक्रगिरा भवान् 
वरतनो रतनोत् अति लोलताम् ॥११॥

vividha narmabhirevam aharnishaM
pramadam aakalayan punarekadaa |
R^ijumate: kila vakragiraa bhavaan 
varatanO ratanOt ati lOlataam || 11 ||

तदधिकैरथ लालन कौशलै: 
प्रणयिनीम् अधिकं सुखयन्निमाम् ।
अयि मुकुन्द भवच्चरितानि न: 
प्रगदतां गदतान्तिम् अपाकुरु ॥१२॥

tadadhikairatha laalana kaushalai:
praNayiniim adhikaM sukhayannimaam |
ayi mukunda bhavachcharitaani na:
pragadataaM gadataantim apaakuru || 12 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Wednesday 22 July 2020


Dasakam - 78 - Dwaraka Vaasam, 

Balaraman Vivaham, Rukmini Sandesham

Vishwakarma, the divine architect, put all his exemplary skills to built Dwaraka in the middle of the sea. Divine Gods gave  majesties to make it prosperous. But it was beautified more only by the presence of Krishna. Under the instructions of Brahma, Revathan's son, Karuthmaan gave his daughter Revati in marriage to Balaram. Krishna together with Yadavas performed the festive celebration with grandeur.

The King of Vidarbha, Bheeshmaka's daughter Rukmini was in love with Krishna. But her brother Rukmi, in his total ignorance, decided to give his sister in marriage to Chedi king, Shishupala. Rukmi was friend with non-virtuous Shishupala. Rukmini having nurtured love for Krishna for a long time, became upset over her brother's decision to marry her to Shishupala. She sent a Brahmin as messenger to Krishna, conveying her love and the pain she was experiencing due to the threat of non fulfillment of her wish to marry Krishna.

Dwaraka is not reachable for those with evil thoughts and actions but the Brahmin messenger reached it faster. Krishna, the one who removes the afflictions of worldly pleasures, welcomed him and honoured him. Brahmin then conveyed to Krishna that Kundina (capital of Vidarbha) princess Rukmini is in love with him and has sent him to convey her mind. Knowing excellence of Krishna, Rukmini is attracted to Krishna and has already chosen him as her husband. Now chedi king Shishupala is planning to marry her. So she requested Krishna to intervene and protect her. She had also mentioned that she would not live if Krishna fails to protect her.

Krishna conveyed that he is equally in love with Rukmini and promised to the Brahmin that he will come to Vidarbha and carry the princess in front of all the kings assembled there for the marriage and marry the dark-eyed Rukmini.  Krishna left to Kundina immediately with the Brahmin in the chariot. Bhattathiri worshipped the Lord of Guruvayoor to protect him from his afflictions and was duly acknowledged by the Lord.

Lyrics of Dasakam 78

त्रिदश वर्धकि वर्धित कौशलं
त्रिदश दत्त समस्त विभूतिमत् ।
जलधि मध्यगतं त्वमभूषयो
नवपुरं वपुरञ्चित रोचिषा ॥१॥

tridasha vardhaki vardhita kaushalaM
tridasha datta samasta vibhuutimat |
jaladhi madhyagataM tvam abhuuShayO
navapuraM vapura~nchita rOchiShaa || 1 ||

ददुषि रेवत भूभृति रेवतीं
हलभृते तनयां विधि शासनात् ।
महितम् उत्सव घोषम् अपूपुष:
समुदितै: र्मुदितै: सह यादवै: ॥२॥

daduShi revata bhuubhR^iti revatiiM
halabhR^ite tanayaaM vidhi shaasanaat |
mahitam utsava ghOSham apuupuSha:
samuditai: muditai: sahayaadavai: || 2 ||

अथ विदर्भ सुतां खलु रुक्मिणीं
प्रणयिनीं त्वयि देव सहोदर: ।
स्वयमदित्सत चेदि महीभुजे
स्व तमसा तमसाधुम् उपाश्रयन् ॥३॥

atha vidarbha sutaaM khalu rukmiNiiM
praNayiniiM tvayi deva sahOdara: |
svayamaditsata chedi mahiibhuje
sva tamasaa tamasaadhum upaashrayan || 3 ||

चिरधृत प्रणया त्वयि बालिका
सपदि काङ्क्षित भङ्ग समाकुला ।
तव निवेदयितुं द्विजमादिशत्
स्वकदनं कदनङ्ग विनिर्मितं ॥४॥

chiradhR^ita praNayaa tvayi baalikaa
sapadi kaankshita bhanga samaakulaa |
tava nivedayituM dvijamaadishat
svakadanaM kadananga vinirmitam || 4 ||

द्विज सुतोऽपि च तूर्णम् उपाययौ
तव पुरं हि दुराश दुरासदम् ।
मुदमवाप च सादर पूजित:
स भवता भवताप हृता स्वयम् ॥५॥

dvija sutO(a)pi cha tuurNam upaayayau
tava puraM hi duraasha duraasadam |
mudamavaapa cha saadara puujita:
sa bhavataa bhavataapa hR^itaa svayam || 5 ||

स च भवन्तम् अवोचत कुण्डिने
नृपसुता खलु राजति रुक्मिणी ।
त्वयि समुत्सुकया निज धीरता -
रहितया हि तया प्रहितोऽस्म्यहम् ॥६॥

sa cha bhavantamavOchata kuNDine
nR^ipasutaa khalu raajati rukmiNii |
tvayi samutsukayaa nija dhiirataa -
rahitayaa hi tayaa prahitOsmyaham || 6 ||

तव हृताऽस्मि पुरैव गुणैरहं
हरति मां किल चेदिनृपोऽधुना ।
अयि कृपालय पालय मामिति
प्रजगदे जगदेक पते तया ॥७॥

tava hR^itaa(a)smi puraiva guNairahaM
harati maaM kila chedinR^ipO(a)dhunaa ||
ayi kR^ipaalaya paalaya maamiti
prajagade jagadeka pate tayaa || 7 ||

अशरणां यदि मां त्वमुपेक्षसे
सपदि जीवितमेव जहाम्यहम् ।
इति गिरा सुतनोरतनोत् भृशं
सुहृदयं हृदयं तव कातरम् ॥८॥

asharaNaaM yadi maaM tvamupekshase
sapadi jiivitameva jahaamyaham |
iti giraa sutanOratanOt bhR^ishaM
suhR^idayaM hR^idayaM tava kaataram || 8 ||

अकथय: त्वमथैन मये सखे
तदधिका मम मन्मथ वेदना ।
नृप समक्षम् उपेत्य हराम्यहं
तदयि तां दयिताम् असितेक्षणाम् ॥९॥

akathaya: tvamathaina maye sakhe
tadadhikaa mama manmatha vedanaa |
nR^ipa samaksham upetya haraamyahaM
tadayi taaM dayitaam asitekshaNaam || 9 ||

प्रमुदितेन च तेन समं तदा
रथ गतो लघु कुण्डिनम् एयिवान्।
गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक मे भवान्
वितनुतां तनुतां निखिलापदाम् ॥१०॥

pramuditena cha tena samaM tadaa
ratha gatO laghu kuNDinam eyivaan |
gurumarutpura naayaka me bhavaan
vitanutaaM tanutaaM nikhilaapadaam || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam-------

Tuesday 21 July 2020


Dasakam 77 - Upashloka Jananam,

Jarasandha and Kaalayavana Vadham

Saiarandhari gave sandal paste to Krishna when he entered Mathura. In return, Krishna set right her hunchback and promised her that he will visit her house some day. She dressed herself well with costumes and jewellery, decorated her house well and waited for Krishna's arrival. Krishna decked in his beautiful costumes and jewellery went with Uddhava to Sairandhari's house. At his arrival, all her wishes got fulfilled and she welcomed Krishna and happily served him various offerings

Krishna wanted to grant a boon for her hospitality. Instead of asking for devotion to Krishna throughout her life or asking for his presence with her always, this ignorant woman asked his presence with her for few nights. Bhattathiri wonders at her ignorance of not asking "saamipyam" (being close with Lord) of the Lord or "saaujyam" (being one with Lord) from the Lord. Krishna granted her boon and made her happy the following few nights, as a result a son Upashloka was born to them. He learnt paancharathraagamam from Sage Narada and shone as an exponent forever.

Krishna together with Balarama and Uddhava went to Akrurar's house as promised to him. Akrurar welcomed them heartily and worshipped him singing his praises. Krishna sent Akrurar to know the whereabouts of Pandavas, sons of Kunthi. He came to know the return of Pandavas from exile and Bheema escaping from Duryodhana's attempt to kill him by poisoning him and pushing him into Ganges, through Akrura's meeting with Dhritarashtra.

Jarasandhan, father in law of Kamsan, angry with Kamsa vadham, lost his brains in anger, attacked Mathura. Krishna, taking help from Balarama and the chariot he got from devaloka, retaliated and killed 23 Akshouhinis (1 Akshouhini - 21,870 chariots, elephants, 65,610 cavalry and 1,09,350 infantry). Balarama somehow arrested Jarasandhan who was strongest king in the world at that time, having captured territories in all directions around. To make him come for fights more, Krishna freed him. Jarasandhan attacked 16 times and every time he was defeated and in all 391 Akshouhinis were killed by Krishna. When he came for the 18th time, Krishna took help of devaloka architect Vishwakarma and built a palace in Dwaraka amidst the sea and deported all his people to Dwaraka through his yogic powers.

Krishna then ran away acting coward outside the city. Kaalayavana, friend of Jarasandha chased him and Krishna purposefully ran into a cave as he wanted to avoid killing him with his hands thereby preventing salvation for Kaalayavana. As planned by Krishna, Kaalayavana stepped on Muchukunda who was sleeping inside the cave and got reduced to ashes by him. Pleased with Muchukunda, Krishna showed his Bhagavath Swaroopam to him. Krishna wanted to grant a boon, but Muchukunda being great devotee of Krishna requested only his blessings as he is not interested in anything else. Moved with his answer, Krishna granted deep devotion which will give him moksham at later stage and advised him to do penance to dilute the sin he had accumulated by hunting and killing animals and for having inflicted pain to his subjects during his rule.

Krishna returned to Mathura after Kaalayavana vatham and killed his armies. The Magadha king Jarasandha once again obstructed Krishna. This time once again, Krishna let Jarasandha get victory so that his ego is boosted up and will come for fight once again. Then Krishna fled to his kingdom Dwaraka situated in the middle of the ocean. Bhattathiri worshipped that Lord who gave false pride to Jarasandhan and went to Dwaraka, to protect him from his ailments and Lord immediately acknowledged his request.

Lyrics of Dasakam 77

सैरन्ध्र्यास्तदनु चिरं स्मरातुराया
यातोऽभू: सुललितम् उद्धवेन सार्धम् ।
आवासं त्वदुपगमोत्सवं सदैव
ध्यायन्त्या: प्रति दिन वास सज्जिकाया: ॥१॥

sairandhryaastadanu chiraM smaraaturaayaa
yaatO(a)bhuu: sulalitam uddhavena saardham |
aavaasaM tadupagamOtsavaM sadaiva
dhyaayantyaa: prati dina vaasa sajjikaayaa: || 1 ||

उपगते त्वयि पूर्ण मनोरथां
प्रमद सम्भ्रम कम्प्र पयोधराम् ।
विविध माननम् आदधतीं मुदा
रहसि तां रमयाञ्चकृषे सुखम् ॥२॥

upagate tvayi puurNa manOrathaaM
pramada sambhrama kampra payOdharaam |
vividha maananam aadadhatiiM mudaa
rahasi taaM ramayaaMchakR^iShe sukham || 2 ||

पृष्टा वरं पुनरसौ अवृणोद्वराकी
भूयस्त्वया सुरतमेव निशान्तरेषु ।
सायुज्यम् अस्त्विति वदेत् बुध एव कामं
सामीप्यमस्त्वनिशम् इत्यपि नाब्रवीत् किम् ॥३॥

pR^iShTaa varaM punarasaa vavR^iNOdvaraakii
bhuuyastvayaa suratameva nishaantareShu |
saayujyam astviti vadet budha eva kaamaM
saamiipyamastvanisham ityapi naabraviit kim || 3 ||

ततो भवान् देव निशासु कासुचित्
मृगीदृशं तां निभृतं विनोदयन् ।
 अदात्-उपश्लोक इति श्रुतं सुतं
स नारदात् सात्त्वत तन्त्रविद् बभौ ॥४॥

tatO bhavaan deva nishaasu kaasuchit
mR^igiidR^ishaM taaM nibhR^itaM vinOdayan |
adaat-upashlOka iti shrutaM sutaM
sa naaradaat saattvata tantravid babhau || 4 ||

अक्रूर मन्दिरमितोऽथ बलोद्धवाभ्याम्
अभ्यर्चितो बहु नुतो मुदितेन तेन ।
एनं विसृज्य विपिनागत पाण्डवेय-
वृत्तं विवेदिथ तथा धृतराष्ट्र चेष्टाम् ॥५॥

akruura mandiramitO(a)tha balOddhavaabhyaam
abhyarchitO bahu nutO muditena tena |
enaM visR^ijya vipinaagata paaNDaveya-
vR^ittaM viveditha tathaa dhR^itaraaShTra cheShTaam || 5 ||

विघाताज्जामातु: परम सुहृदो भोज नृपते:
जरासन्धे रुन्धत्यनवधि रुषान्धेऽथ मथुराम् ।
रथाद्यैर्द्योर्लब्धै: कतिपय बलस्त्वं बलयुत:
त्रयोविंशत्यक्षौहिणि तदुपनीतं समहृथा: ॥६॥

vighaataajjaamaatu: parama suhR^idO bhOja nR^ipate:
jaraasandhe rundhatyanavadhi ruShaa(a)ndhe(a)tha mathuraam |
rathaadyairdyOlabdhai: katipaya balastvaM balayuta:
trayOvimshatyakshauhiNi tadupaniitaM samahR^ithaa: || 6 ||

बद्धं बलादथ बलेन बलोत्तरं त्वं
भूयो बलोद्यमरसेन मुमोचिथैनम् ।
निश्शेष दिग्जय समाहृत विश्वसैन्यात्
कोऽन्य: ततो हि बल पौरुषवांस्तदानीम् ॥७॥

baddhaM balaadatha balena balOttaraM tvaM
bhuuyO balOdyamarasena mumOchithainam |
nishsheSha digjaya samaahR^ita vishvasainyaat
kO(a)nya: tatO hi bala pauruShavaamstadaaniim || 7 ||

भग्न: स लग्न हृदयोऽपि नृपै: प्रणुन्नो
युद्धं त्वया व्यधित षोडश कृत्व एवम् ।
अक्षौहिणी: शिव शिवास्य जघन्थ विष्णो
सम्भूय सैकनवति त्रिशतं तदानीम् ॥८॥

bhagna: sa lagna hR^idayO(a)pi nR^ipai: praNunnO
yuddhaM tvayaa vyadhita ShODasha kR^itva evam |
akshauhiNii: shiva shivaasya jaghantha viShNO
sambhuuya saikanavati trishataM tadaaniim || 8 ||

अष्टादशेऽस्य समरे समुपेयुषि त्वं
दृष्ट्वा पुरोऽथ यवनं यवन त्रिकोट्या ।
त्वष्ट्रा विधाप्य पुरमाशु पयोधि मध्ये
तत्राऽथ योग बलत: स्वजनान् अनैषी: ॥९॥

aShTaadashe(a)sya samare samupeyuShi tvaM
dR^iShTvaa purO(a)tha yavanaM yavana trikOTyaa |
tvaShTraa vidhaapya puramaashu payOdhi madhye
tatraa(a)tha yOgabalata: svajanaan anaiShii: || 9 ||

पदभ्यां त्वं पद्ममाली चकित इव पुरात्-निर्गतो धावमानों
लेच्छेशेनानुयातो वध सुकृत विहीनेन शैले न्यलैषी: ।
सुप्तेनांघ्र्या हतेन द्रुतमथ मुचुकुन्देन भस्मी कृतेऽस्मिन्
भूपायास्मै गुहान्त: सुललित वपुषा तस्थिषे भक्तिभाजे ॥१०॥

padbhyaaM tvaM padmamaalii chakita iva puraannirgatO dhaavamaanOm
lechCheshenaanuyaatO vadha sukR^ita vihiinena shaile nyalaiShii: |
suptenaanghryaa hatena drutamatha muchukundena bhasmii kR^ite(a)smin
bhuupaayaasmai guhaanta: sulalita vapuShaa tasthiShe bhaktibhaaje || 10 ||

ऐक्ष्वाकोऽहं विरक्तोऽस्मि अखिल नृपसुखे त्वत् प्रसादैक काङ्क्षी
हा देवेति स्तुवन्तं वरविततिषु तं निस्पृहं वीक्ष्य हृष्यन् ।
मुक्ते: तुल्यां च भक्तिं धुतसकल मलं मोक्षमप्याशु दत्वा
कार्यं हिंसा विशुद्ध्यै तप इति च तदा प्रात्थ लोकप्रतीत्यै ॥११॥

aikshvaakO(a)haM viraktO(a)smi akhila nR^ipasukhe tvat prasaadaika kaankshii
haa deveti stuvantaM varavitatiShu taM niHspR^ihaM viikshya hR^iShyan |
mukte: tulyaaM cha bhaktiM dhutasakala malaM mOkshamapyaashu dattvaa
kaaryaM himsaa vishuddhyai tapa iti cha tadaa praattha lOkapratiityai || 11 ||

तदनु मथुरां गत्वा हत्वा चमूं यवनाहृतां
मगध पतिना मार्गे सैन्यै: पुरेव निवारित: ।
चरमविजयं दर्पायास्मै प्रदाय पलायितो
जलधि नगरीं यातो वातालयेश्वर पाहि माम् ॥१२॥

tadanu mathuraaM gatvaa hatvaa chamuuM yavanaahR^itaaM
magadha patinaa maarge sainyai: pureva nivaarita: |
charamavijayaM darpaayaasmai pradaaya palaayitO
jaladhi nagariiM yaatO vaataalayeshvara paahi maam || 12 ||

--------Sri Krishnarppanam--------