Showing posts with label Keshi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keshi. Show all posts

Thursday 9 July 2020


Dasakam - 71 - Keshi and Vyomasura Vadham

Keshi, a close friend of Bhoja king Kamsa was never unsuccessful in any of his attempts. He took the form of a horse and started from the land of Sindhu, thinking to himself, Krishna is easily accessible to the lady(Mahalakshmi) who came out of Sindhu(ocean), likewise Krishna will be accessible to him as well. He took the form of celestial horse but his fierce voices frightened the three worlds and went on a rampage attacking people of Gokula. Finally he came and stood in front of Krishna.

Keshi kicked the chest of Sri Krishna, whose legs are kept on his vehicle Garuda, with his hooves. Having heard the story of Sage Bhrigu kicking Lord on his chest, Keshi thought perhaps, even he can do so. Krishna caught and took the horse by its hooves and threw him far. Keshi fainted but then sprung back with more anger and fury.

Deciding to punish the horse, Krishna kept his club like arm in to its mouth. The arm grew in size and choked Keshi to death. Though he was a demon in the form of horse, he became one with Lord immediately. Indra and all other Gods were happy merely at the killing of the horse and considered it to be equivalent to Ashwamedha sacrifice done by Krishna. They gave Krishna with name, "Keshava" meaning killer of Keshi and sang his glory.

Sage Narada introduced Krishna as son of Vasudeva to Kamsa. Kamsa set out to kill vasudeva immediately. Narada verbally prevented Kamsa from killing Vasudeva. At the end of Keshi Vadham, Narada met Krishna and sang his glory.

One day Krishna was playing hide and seek with Gopas in the forest. At that time, son of Mayan, Vyoma who has immense magical powers approached Krishna. Gopas were playing thief and police, when Vyomasura acted as thief in the game and hid the cows and gopas in a cave and closed its entrance with a stone. Krishna understood the situation and killed him and freed the cows and gopas.

Krishna made Vraja a happy place for the gopas with his amazing sports and actions. Bhattathiri prayed to that supreme Lord who made the people of Vraja happy, to protect him from his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 71

यत्नेषु सर्वेष्वपि नावकेशी 
केशी स भोजेशितुरिष्टबन्धु: ।
त्वां सिन्धुजावाप्य इतीव मत्वा 
सम्प्राप्तवान् सिन्धुज वाजिरूप: ॥१॥

yatneShu sarveShvapi naavakeshii
keshii sa bhOjeshituriShTabandhu: |
tvaM sindhujaavaapya itiiva matvaa 
sampraaptavaan sindhujavaajiruupa: || 1 ||

गन्धर्वतामेष गतोऽपि रूक्षै:
नादै: समुद्वेजित सर्व लोक: ।
भवत् विलोकावधि गोपवाटीं 
प्रमर्द्य पाप: पुनरापतत् त्वाम् ॥२॥

gandharvataameSha gatO(a)pi ruukshai:
naadai: samudvejita sarva lOka: |
bhavat vilOkaavadhi gOpavaaTiiM
pramardya paapa: punaraapatattvaam || 2 ||

तार्क्ष्यार्पिताङ्घ्रे: तव तार्क्ष्य एष 
चिक्षेप वक्षोभुवि नाम पादम् ।
भृगो: पदाघात कथां निशम्य 
स्वेनापि शक्यं तदितीव मोहात् ॥३॥

taarkshyaarpitaanghre: tava taarkshya eSha 
chikshepa vakshObhuvi naama paadam |
bhR^igO: padaaghaata kathaaM nishamya 
svenaapi shakyaM taditiiva mOhaat || 3 ||

प्रवञ्चयन्नस्य खुराञ्चलं द्राक्
अमुं च चिक्षेपिथ दूरदूरम्
सम्मूर्च्छितोऽपि ह्यतिमूर्च्छितेन 
क्रोधोष्मणा खादितुम् आद्रुतस्त्वाम् ॥४॥

prava~nchayannasya khuraa~nchalaM draak 
amuM cha chikshepitha duuraduuram |
sammuurchChitO(a)pi hyatimuurchChitena 
krOdhOShmaNaa khaaditum aadrutastvaam || 4 ||

त्वं वाहदण्डे कृतधीश्च वाहा-
दण्डं न्यधास्तस्य मुखे तदानीम् ।
तद् वृद्धि रुद्धश्वसनो गतासु: 
सप्तीभवन् अप्ययमैक्यम् आगात् ॥५॥

tvaM vaahadaNDe kR^itadhiishcha baahaa-
daNDaM nyadhaastasyamukhe tadaaniim |
tad vR^iddhi ruddhashvasanO gataasu:
saptiibhavann apyayamaikyam aagaat || 5 ||

आलम्भ मात्रेण पशो: सुराणां 
प्रसादके नूत्न इवाश्वमेधे ।
कृते त्वया हर्षवशात् सुरेन्द्रा: 
त्वां तुष्टुवु: केशव नामधेयम् ॥६॥

aalambha maatreNa pashO: suraaNaaM 
prasaadake nuutna ivaashvamedhe |
kR^ite tvayaa harShavashaat surendraa:
tvaaM tuShTuvu: keshava naamadheyam || 6 ||

कंसाय ते शौरि सुतत्वम् उक्त्वा
तं तद्वधोत्कं प्रतिरुध्य वाचा।
प्राप्तेन केशि क्षपणावसाने 
श्रीनारदेन त्वम् अभिष्टुतोऽभू: ॥७॥

kamsaaya te shauri sutatvam uktvaa
taM tadvadhOtkaM pratirudhya vaachaa |
praaptena keshi kshapaNaavasaane 
shriinaaradena tvam abhiShTutO(a)bhuu: || 7 ||

कदापि गोपै: सह काननान्ते 
निलायन क्रीडन लोलुपं त्वाम् ।
मयात्मज: प्राप दुरन्तमायो 
व्योमाभिधो व्योम चरोपरोधी ॥८॥

kadaa(a)pi gOpai: saha kaananaante 
nilaayana kriiDana lOlupaM tvaam |
mayaatmaja: praapa durantamaayO 
vyOmaabhidhO vyOma charOparOdhii || 8 ||

स चोरपालायित वल्लवेषु 
चोरायितो गोपशिशून् पशूंश्च
गुहासु कृत्वा पिदधे शिलाभि:
त्वया च बुद्ध्वा परिमर्दितोऽभूत् ॥९॥

sa chOrapaalaayita vallaveShu 
chOraayitO gOpashishuun pashuumshcha |
guhaasu kR^itvaa pidadhe shilaabhi:
tvayaa cha buddhvaa parimarditO(a)bhuu: || 9 ||

एवं विधैश्चाद्भुत केलिभेदै:
आनन्दमूर्च्छाम् अतुलां व्रजस्य ।
पदे पदे नूतनयन् असीमां 
परात्मरूपिन् पवनेश पाया: ॥१०॥

evaM vidhaishchaadbhuta kelibhedai:
aanandamuurchChaam atulaaM vrajasya |
pade pade nuutanayann asiimaaM 
paraatmaruupin pavanesha paayaa: || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam---------