Showing posts with label Krishna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Krishna. Show all posts

Saturday 26 September 2020


 Dasakam - 100 - Keshadi Pada Varnanam

Narayana Bhattathiri was cured of his vaadha roga (rheumatic arthritis disease) at the end of 99th dasakam and on the 100th day, he received the vision of the Lord Guruvayoorappan. Bhattathiri sang the hundredth dasakam, seeing Lord in front of his eyes, describing him from head to toe.

Bhattathiri saw bunch of blue lilly flowers spreading radiance and felt as if he was soaked in nectar. In the middle of the halo, Bhattathiri, in divine ecstasy, saw a beautiful young boy of sixteen years, surrounded by Narada and other sages and upanishads in the form of group of women.

Next he had the darshan of black, lustrous, clean, thick and curly hair locks, beautifully held together and decked with emerald studded peacock feathers, encircled with garland made of hibiscus flowers. He could see the broad, white complexioned, upright forehead similar to the beautiful young moon, adorned with a sandal paste mark.

Lord's eyebrows were attractive and looked similar to the waves of the ocean filled with compassion. The eyelashes were shining. The eyes were long, reddish and resembled petals of beautiful lotus flower, The eyeballs were dark black in colour. Bhattathiri surrendered and requested Lord to glance him with his compassion filled eyes and protect him.

The face of the Lord looked very beautiful with prominent, well shaped nose, cheeks shining like mirror made up of emerald stones, which seem to reflect the pair of fish shaped gem studded earrings, swinging from the ears. His ruby red lips similar to bimba fruit parts, revealed a beautiful shining row of white teeth and sported the captivating smile.

Lord's hands were covered by studded shining bangles, his palm coral red in colour, held the flute which was made colourful by the contact of his radiant finger nails. The flute kept in his lotus like face gave out the beautiful blissful melodies, which can cool all the worlds. The music from the flute was the brahman itself flowing in the form of sound and Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord to let his ears be drenched with such a divine music.

The shining Kaustubh jewel emitted radiance, making Lord's beautiful neck more reddish in colour. The the chest was decked with array of shining pearl necklaces and Srivatsa mark. The garland of forest flowers full of nectar, with bees sitting on them, together with emerald necklaces further decorated his chest. Bhattathiri meditated on that beautiful chest of the Lord.

Meditating on Lord's beautiful body, smeared with the scent of five different types of flowers, attracted people to him. He who holds the entire three worlds within, had a waist, slender like a creeper. His body resembled a rock of sapphire which is covered with golden colour silk, which was held firmly to his hip with a shining gem studded girdle with hanging small bells. 

Bhattathiri meditated on Lord's two handsome thighs, solid, soft and charming, which stole Lakshmi's heart. The thighs were always covered with yellow silk cloth so as to prevent the world from getting overwhelmed at the look of it. His two knees appeared like two caskets holding all the desired objects for his devotees, and his two ankles, beautifully tapered and fleshy. 

The ankles of the Lord were covered with anklets making beautiful sound so as to convey that surrendering at  his feet alone can give longevity and prosperity. His tortoise shaped upper part of the feet resembled the Manthara mountain. Here Bhattathiri compared the Manthara mountain to our minds sinking in the ocean of desires. The tortoise shaped feet is there so that it can lift devotees to divine consciousness. The slightly raised toe nails, very red and shining, like the moon light removed the darkness of the sorrows of his devotees and blessed them with auspiciousness.
The soles of Lord’s feet appeared like the tender leaves of the divine kalpavruksha, and had been the most coveted to the great yogis than the rest of the parts of the body. It is the place of the atman which have attained moksha. Bhattathiri prayed to Lord Krishna, the Lord of Guruvayoor, the Ocean of compassion to rest those feet always in his heart and destroy all his sorrows and confer an abundant flow of supreme bliss.

Bhattathiri sought forgiveness from the Lord of this universe, for mistakes or shortfalls if any, he had unknowingly committed while explaining Lord's infinite glory. He requested Lord to grant prasadam to the devotees whoever chanted or heard these thousand and thirty four slokas describing his various incarnations on earth as explained in Vedas. The poetic collection speaks about the glory of Sriman Narayana and sung by Narayana Bhattathiri and for these two reasons, it was named Narayaneeyam. Bhattathiri prayed to Lord Guruvayoorappan to bestow long life, health and prosperity to all those who chant or hear this epic. Lord nodded his head and immediately granted his request.

Lyrics of Dasakam 100

अग्रे पश्यामि तेजो निबिडतरकलायावली लोभनीयं
पीयूषाप्लावितोऽहं तदनु तदुदरे दिव्य कैशोर वेषम् ।
तारुण्यारम्भ रम्यं परम सुख रसास्वाद रोमाञ्चिताङ्गै:
आवीतं नारदाद्यै: विलसदुपनिषत् सुन्दरी मण्डलैश्च ॥१॥

agre pashyaami tejO nibiDatara kalaayaavalii lObhaniiyaM
piiyuuShaaplaavitO(a)haM tadanu tadudare divya kaishOra veSham |
taaruNyaarambha ramyaM parama sukha rasaasvaada rOmaa~nchitaangai:
aaviitaM naaradaadyai: vilasadupaniShat sundarii maNDalaishcha || 1 ||

नीलाभं कुञ्चिताग्रं घनम् अमलतरं संयतं चारुभङ्ग्या
रत्नोत्तंसाभिरामं वलयितम् उदयच्चन्द्रकै: पिञ्छजालै: ।
मन्दारस्रङ् निवीतं तव पृथुकबरी भारम् आलोकयेऽहं
स्निग्ध श्वेतोर्ध्व पुण्ड्रामपि च सुललितां फाल बालेन्दु वीथीम् ॥२

niilaabhaM ku~nchitaagraM ghanam amalataraM samyataM chaarubhangyaa
ratnOttamsaabhiraamaM valayitam udayachchandrakai: pinchChajaalai: |
mandaarasra~N niviitaM tava pR^ithukabarii bhaaram aalOkaye(a)haM
snigdha shvetOrdhva puNDraamapi cha sulalitaaM phaala baalendu viithiim || 2 ||

हृद्यं पूर्णानुकम्पार्णव मृदु लहरी चञ्चलभ्रूविलासै:
आनील स्निग्ध पक्ष्मावलि परिलसितं नेत्रयुग्मं विभो ते ।
सान्द्रच्छायं विशालारुण कमलदलाकारम् आमुग्धतारं
कारुण्यालोक लीला शिशिरित भुवनं क्षिप्यतां मय्यनाथे ॥३॥

hR^idyaM puurNaanukampaarNava mR^idu laharii cha~nchala bhruuvilaasai:
aaniila snigdha pakshmaavali parilasitaM netrayugmaM vibhO te |
saandrachChaayaM vishaalaaruNa kamaladalaakaaram aamugdhataaraM
kaaruNyaalOka liilaa shishirita bhuvanaM kshipyataaM mayyanaathe || 3 ||

उत्तुङ्गोल्लासि नासं हरिमणि मुकुर प्रोल्लसद्गण्डपाली:
व्यालोलत् कर्ण पाशाञ्चित मकरमणी कुण्डल द्वन्द्व दीप्रम् ।
उन्मीलद्दन्त पङ्क्ति स्फुरदरुणतरच्छाय बिम्बाधरान्त:
प्रीति प्रस्यन्दि मन्द स्मित मधुरतरं वक्त्रं उद्भासतां मे ॥४॥

uttungOllaasi naasaM harimaNi mukura prOllasad gaNDapaalii
vyaalOlat karNa paashaa~nchita makaramaNii kuNDala dvandva diipram |
unmiiladdanta pankti sphuradaruNatarachChaaya bimbaadharaanta:
priiti prasyandi manda smita madhurataraM vaktram udbhaasataaM me || 4 ||

बाहुद्वन्द्वेन रत्नोज्ज्वल वलयभृता शोण पाणि प्रवालेन
उपात्तां वेणुनाली प्रसृत नख मयूखाङ्गुली सङ्गशाराम् ।
कृत्वा वक्त्रारविन्दे सुमधुर विकसत् रागमुद्भाव्यमानै:
शब्द ब्रह्मामृतै: त्वं शिशिरित भुवनै: सिञ्च मे कर्णवीथीम् ॥५॥

baahudvandvena ratnOjjvala valayabhR^itaa shONa paaNipravaalena
UpaattaaM veNunaaliiM prasR^ita nakhamayuukhaangulii sangashaaraam |
kR^itvaa vaktraaravinde sumadhura vikasat raagamudbhaavyamaanai:
shabda brahmaamR^itai: tvaM shishirita bhuvanai: si~nchame karNaviithiim || 5 ||

उत्सर्पत् कौस्तुभ श्री ततिभिररुणितं कोमलं कण्ठदेशं
वक्ष: श्रीवत्स रम्यं तरलतर समुद्दीप्र हार प्रतानम् ।
नाना वर्ण प्रसूनावलि किसलयिनीं वन्यमालां विलोलत्-
लोलम्बां लम्बमानाम् उरसि तव तथा भावये रत्नमालाम् ॥६॥

utsarpat kaustubha shrii tatibhiraruNitaM kOmalaM kaNThadeshaM
vaksha: shriivatsa ramyaM taralatara samuddiipra haara prataanam |
naanaa varNa prasuunaavali kisalayiniiM vanyamaalaaM vilOlat 
lOlambaaM lambamaanaam urasi tava tathaa bhaavaye ratnamaalaam || 6 ||

अङ्गे पञ्चाङ्ग रागै: अतिशय विकसत् सौरभाकृष्टलोकं
लीनानेक त्रिलोकी विततिमपि कृशां बिभ्रतं मध्यवल्लीम् ।
शक्राश्मन्यस्त तप्तोज्ज्वल कनकनिभं पीतचेलं दधानं
ध्यायामो दीप्त रश्मि स्फुटमणि रशना किङ्किणी मण्डितं त्वां ॥७॥

ange pa~nchaanga raagai: atishaya vikasat saurabhaakR^iShTalOkaM
liinaaneka trilOkii vitatimapi kR^ishaaM bibhrataM madhyavalliim |
shakraashmanyasta taptOjvala kanakanibhaM piita chelaM dadhaanaM
dhyaayaamO diipta rashmi sphuTamaNi rashanaa kinkiNii maNDitaM tvaam || 7 ||

ऊरू चारू तवोरू घनमसृण रुचौ चित्तचोरौ रमाया:
विश्वक्षोभं विशङ्क्य ध्रुवम् अनिशम् उभौ पीतचेलावृताङ्गौ ।
आनम्राणां पुरस्तात् न्यसन धृत समस्तार्थ पालीसमुद्गत्
छायं जानुद्वयं च क्रमपृथुल मनोज्ञे च जङ्घे निषेवे ॥८॥

uuruu chaaruu tavOruu ghanamasR^iNa ruchau chittachOrau ramaayaa:
vishvakshObhaM vishankya dhruvam anisham ubhau piitachelaavR^itaangau |
aanamraaNaaM purastaat nyasana dhR^ita samastaartha paalii samudgat
chChaayaM jaanudvayancha kramapR^ithula manOj~ne cha janghe niSheve || 8 ||

मञ्जीरं मञ्जुनादैरिव पदभजनं श्रेय इत्यालपन्तं
पादाग्रं भ्रान्तिमज्जत् प्रणत जन मनो मन्दरोद्धार कूर्मम् ।
उत्तुङ्गाताम्र-राजन्नखर-हिमकर-ज्योत्स्नया च-आश्रितानां
सन्ताप ध्वान्त हन्त्रीं ततिम् अनुकलये मङ्गलाम् अङ्गुलीनाम् ॥९॥

ma~njiiraM ma~njunaadairiva padabhajanaM shreya ityaalapantaM
paadaagraM bhraantimajjat praNata jana manO mandarOddhaara kuurmam |
uttungaataamra-raajannakhara-himakara-jyOtsnayaa cha-ashritaanaaM
santaapa dhvaanta hantriiM tatim anukalaye mangalaam anguliinaam || 9 ||

योगीन्द्राणां त्वदङ्गेषु अधिक सुमधुरं मुक्ति भाजां निवासो
भक्तानां कामवर्ष द्युतरु किसलयं नाथ ते पादमूलम् ।
नित्यं चित्त स्थितं मे पवनपुरपते कृष्ण कारुण्यसिन्धो
हृत्वा निश्शेष तापान् प्रदिशतु परमानन्द सन्दोह लक्ष्मीम् ॥१०॥

yOgiindraaNaaM tvadangeShu adhika sumadhuraM mukti bhaajaaM nivaasO
bhaktaanaaM kaamavarSha dyutaru kisalayaM naatha te paadamuulam |
nityaM chitta sthitaM me pavanapurapate kR^iShNa kaaruNyasindhO
hR^itvaa nishsheSha taapaan pradishatu paramaananda sandOha lakshmiim || 10 ||

अज्ञात्वा ते महत्वं यदिह निगदितं विश्वनाथ क्षमेथा:
स्तोत्रं चैतत् सहस्रोत्तरम् अधिकतरं त्वत् प्रसादाय भूयात् ।
द्वेधा नारायणीयं श्रुतिषु च जनुषा स्तुत्यता वर्णनेन
स्फीतं लीलावतारै: इदमिह कुरुताम् आयु: आरोग्य सौख्यम् ॥११॥

aj~naatvaa te mahattvaM yadiha nigaditaM vishvanaatha kshamethaa:
stOtraM chaitat sahasrOttaram adhikataraM tvat prasaadaaya bhuuyaat |
dvedhaa naaraayaNiiyaM shrutiShu cha januShaa stutyataa varNanena
sphiitaM liilaavataarai: idamiha kurutaam aayu: aarOgya saukhyam || 11 ||

PS: It is customary to conclude Narayaneeyam singing or chanting with the first slokam of first dasakam, so that we do not mark an end, but continue to chant always.

सान्द्रानन्दावबोधात्मकं अनुपमितं कालदेशावधिभ्यां 
निर्मुक्तं नित्यमुक्तं निगमशतसहस्रेण निर्भास्यमानं।
अस्पष्टं दृष्टमात्रे पुन: उरु-पुरुषार्थात्मकं ब्रह्म तत्वं
तत् तावत् भाति साक्षात् गुरुपवनपुरे हन्त भाग्यं जनानाम् ॥ १ ॥

SaandraanandaavabOdhaatmakam-anupamitaM kaaladeshaavadhibhyaaM
nirmuktaM nityamuktaM nigamashatasahasreNa nirbhaasyamaanam .
aspaShTaM dR^iShTamaatre puna: uru-puruShaarthaatmakaM brahma tatvaM
tat-taavat-bhaati saakshaat-gurupavanapure hanta bhaagyaM janaanaam ||1||

कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रियैर्वा ।
बुद्ध्यात्मना वा प्रकृतिस्वभावात् ।
करोमि यद्यत्सकलं परस्मै ।
नारायणयेति समर्पयामि ॥

Kaayena Vaacaa Manasendriyair-Vaa
BuddhAatmanaa Vaa Prakrte: Svabhaavaat |
Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam Parasmai
Naaraayanayeti Samarpayaami ||

---------Sri Krishnarpanam--------