Showing posts with label Nishkala Brahmopasana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nishkala Brahmopasana. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 September 2020


Dasakam - 98 - Nishkala Brahmopasana

Bhattathiri offered his salutations to the Parabrahman or the Lord Guruvayoorappan, who is responsible for creation and protection of this universe, who is in the form of the universe, whose radiance gives brightness for this universe, whose description is beyond words and comprehension, whose true nature cannot be understood by even Devas and divine sages.

Bhattathiri prostrated to that Brahman who is beyond the birth and death cycle, who is beyond good and bad deeds, who is above three attributes Sattva, rajas and tamas, yet to bless the people living in the world, accepted the Maya, exhibited knowledge-ignorance, wealth and though formless took up various forms to protect the people of the world, while remaining in state of Supreme bliss.

The Parabrahman form is neither a bird, nor an animal, human, deva, asura, female, male, not even five elements of nature, good or bad deeds, not three attributes, living or non-living. If there is some thing left behind all these, then that form which even hundreds of vedas find it difficult to explain is the supreme Brahman and Bhattathiri offered his humble prostrations to that swaroopam.

Bhattathiri offered his salutations to the Brahman or the Lord who reflects himself in his Maya and created the whole universe like a projection of dream using the Mahat, Ahankara, five tanmatras namely sound, smell, taste, form and touch, panchabhutas namely fire, earth, space, water and earth and senses. During pralaya (deluge), the entire creation is destroyed and pulled back to the supreme Brahman form just like how the tortoise pulls its body inside its shell, causing an intense darkness everywhere, yet the supreme Brahman shines unaffected by the darkness.

Bhattathiri offered his salutations to the Brahman or Lord Krishna, who is mentioned as primeval sound, actions, atom, time, whose supreme form is explained in Vedas as Purusha, Supreme consciousness, atma, who has the ability to create the maya just from the corner of his eye.

It is difficult to explain Lord's swaroopam as to whether it exists or non-existing due to ignorance, just like it is difficult to differentiate between a rope and a snake in darkness. By singing the praises of the Lord and practising those mentioned in scriptures, one can gain the knowledge to cut the dark forest of Samsara. Bhattathiri offered his salutations to that divine merciful form of the Lord.

Jewels are made of gold, Pots are made of mud. Similarly while exploring of what makes this human form; there are lot of philosophical meanings that are derived. Things perceived in dream disappear after waking up. Similarly, what was perceived as snake in darkness of night, becomes clear as rope during the day light. Similarly one understands the divine form only after gaining the divine knowledge. Bhattathiri offered salutations to that form of Lord.

Bhattathiri prostrated to Lord Krishna, from whom the sun, fire, wind, brahma, devas originated, learnt to do their work as purpose of the creation and loose their positions after the purpose is over and who created and control this entire universe.

Bhattathiri prayed to Lord Guruvayoorappan through Karma, jnana and bhakti yoga, the creator of the three worlds made of sattva, Rajas and tamas gunas, One who is the meaning of the three letter word,   ''Pranava'' mantra, one who is the manifestation of  the trinity, whose true nature is described by three vedas, who is the pure consciousness and exists in all the three states, awakening, sleeping, dreaming, who measured this entire universe in just his three strides, who remains unchanged in past, present and future times.

Lord's form is eternal, pure, ever awake, devoid of bondages and actions, transcends all dualities, changeless, the originating point of forgiveness or tolerance, truth, mercy, wealth and all good qualities, causeless, taintless and exhibiting limitless glory, latent in hearts of the attachment-free saints, shines with supreme consciousness.

Lord's wheel of time with its twelve spokes (months), and 360 teeth (days) is irreversible, going round with dangerously high speed, capable of destroying the world in a minute. Having surrendered at the lotus feet of merciful Guruvayoorappan, Bhattathiri pleaded protection from the woes caused by the time wheel and from all afflictions. Lord Guruvayoorappan nodded his head and acknowledged Bhattathiri's salutations and requests immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 98

यस्मिन्नेतत् विभातं यत इदम् अभवत् येन चेदं य एतत्
यो अस्मात् उत्तीर्ण रूप: खलु सकलमिदं भासितं यस्य भासा ।
यो वाचां दूरदूरे पुनरपि मनसां यस्य देवा मुनीन्द्रा:
नो विद्यु: तत्त्वरूपं किमु पुनरपरे कृष्ण तस्मै नमस्ते ॥१॥

yasminnetat vibhaataM yata idam abhavat yena chedaM ya etat
yo asmaat uttiirNa ruupa: khalu sakalamidaM bhaasitaM yasya bhaasaa |
yO vaachaaM duuraduure punarapi manasaaM yasya devaa muniindraa:
nO vidyu: tattvaruupaM kimu punarapare kR^iShNa tasmai namaste || 1 ||

जन्माथो कर्म नाम स्फुटमिह गुण दोषादिकं वा न यस्मिन्
लोकानामूतये य: स्वयमनु भजते तानि मायानुसारी ।
विभ्रच्छक्तीररूपोऽपि च बहुतर रूपोऽवभात्यद्भुतात्मा
तस्मै कैवल्य धाम्ने पर रस परिपूर्णाय विष्णो नमस्ते ॥२॥

janmaathO karma naama sphuTamiha guNa dOShaadikaM vaa na yasmin
lOkaanaamuutaye ya: svayamanu bhajate taani maayaanusaarii |
bibhrachChaktiiraruupOpi cha bahutara ruupO(a)vabhaatyadbhutaatmaa
tasmai kaivalya dhaamne para rasa paripuurNaaya viShNO namaste || 2 ||

नो तिर्यञ्चम् न मर्त्यं न च सुरम् असुरम् न स्त्रियं नो पुंमांसं
न द्रव्यं कर्म जातिं गुणमपि सदसद्वापि ते रूपमाहु: ।
शिष्टं यत् स्यान्निषेधे सति निगम शतै: लक्षणावृत्तितस्तत्
कृच्छ्रेणावेद्यमानं परम सुखमयं भाति तस्मै नमस्ते ॥३॥

nO tirya~nchaM na martyaM na cha suram asuraM na striyaM nO pumaamsaM
na dravyaM karma jaatiM guNamapi sadasadvaa(a)pi te ruupamaahu: |
shiShTaM yat syaanniShedhe sati nigama shatai: lakshaNaa vR^ittitastat
kR^ichChreNaavedyamaanaM paramasukhamayaM bhaati tasmai namaste || 3 ||

मायायां बिम्बितस्त्वं सृजसि महत् अहङ्कार तन्मात्र भेदै:
भूत ग्रामेन्द्रियाद्यै: अपि सकल जगत् स्वप्न सङ्कल्प कल्पम् ।
भूय: संहृत्य सर्वं कमठ इव पदान्यात्मना कालशक्त्या
गम्भीरे जायमाने तमसि वितिमिरो भासि तस्मै नमस्ते ॥४॥

maayaayaaM bimbitastvaM sR^ijasi mahat ahankaara tanmaatra bhedai:
bhuuta graamendriyaadyai: api sakala jagat svapna sankalpa kalpam |
bhuuya: samhR^itya sarvaM kamaTha iva padaanyaatmanaa kaalashaktyaa
gambhiire jaayamaane tamasi vitimirO bhaasi tasmai namaste || 4 ||

शब्द ब्रह्मेति कर्मेत्यणुरिति भगवन् काल इत्यालपन्ति
त्वामेकं विश्वहेतुं सकलमयतया सर्वथा कल्प्यमानम् ।
वेदान्तैर्यत्तु गीतं पुरुष परचिदात्माभिधं तत्तु तत्त्वं
प्रेक्षा मात्रेण मूल प्रकृति विकृति कृत् कृष्ण तस्मै नमस्ते ॥५॥

shabda brahmeti karmetyaNuriti bhagavan kaala ityaalapanti
tvaamekaM vishvahetuM sakalamayatayaa sarvathaa kalpyamaanam |
vedaantairyattu giitaM puruSha parachidaatmaabhidhaM tattu tattvaM
prekshaa maatreNa muula prakR^iti vikR^iti kR^it kR^iShNa tasmai namaste || 5 ||

सत्त्वेनासत्तया वा न च खलु सदसत्त्वेन निर्वाच्यरूपा
धत्ते यासावविद्या गुण फणिमतिवत् विश्व दृश्यावभासम् ।
विद्यात्वं सैव याता श्रुति वचन लवै: यत्कृपास्यन्द लाभे
संसारारण्य सद्य: त्रुटन परशुताम् एति तस्मै नमस्ते ॥६॥

sattvenaasattayaa vaa na cha khalu sadasattvena nirvaachyaruupaa
dhatte yaa(a)saavavidyaa guNa phaNimativat vishva dR^ishyaavabhaasam |
vidyaatvaM saiva yaataa shruti vachana lavai: yatkR^ipaasyanda laabhe
samsaaraaraNya sadya: truTana parashutaam eti tasmai namaste || 6 ||

भूषासु स्वर्णवद्वा जगति घटशरावादिके मृत्तिकावत्
तत्त्वे सञ्चिन्त्यमाने स्फुरति तदधुना अपि अद्वितीयं वपुस्ते ।
स्वप्नद्रष्टु: प्रबोधे तिमिरलय विधौ जीर्ण रज्जोश्च यद्वत्
विद्यालाभे तथैव स्फुटमपि विकसेत् कृष्ण तस्मै नमस्ते ॥७॥

bhuuShaasu svarNavadvaa jagati ghaTasharaavaadike mR^ittikaavat
tattve san~nchintyamaane sphurati tadadhunaa api advitiiyaM vapuste |
svapnadraShTu: prabOdhe timiralaya vidhau jiirNa rajjOshcha yadvat
vidyaalaabhe tathaiva sphuTamapi vikaset kR^iShNa tasmai namaste || 7 ||

यद्भीत्योदेति सूर्यो दहति च दहनो वाति वायुस्तथान्ये
यद्भीता: पद्मजाद्या: पुनरुचितबलीन् आहरन्तेऽनुकालम् ।
येनैवारोपिता: प्राङ्निज पदमपि ते च्यावितारश्च पश्चात्
तस्मै विश्वं नियन्त्रे वयमपि भवते कृष्ण कुर्म: प्रणामम् ॥८॥

yadbhiityOdeti suuryO dahati cha dahanO vaati vaayustathaa(a)nye
yadbhiitaa: padmajaadyaa: punaruchitabaliin aaharante(a)nukaalam |
yenaivaarOpitaa: praa~Nnija padamapi te chyaavitaarashcha pashchaat
tasmai vishvaM niyantre vayamapi bhavate kR^iShNa kurma praNaamam || 8 ||

त्रैलोक्यं भावयन्तं त्रिगुणमयमिदं त्र्यक्षरस्यैक वाच्यं
त्रीशानाम् ऐक्यरूपं त्रिभिरपि निगमै: गीयमान स्वरूपम् ।
तिस्रोवस्था विदन्तं त्रियुग जनिजुषं त्रिक्रमाक्रान्त विश्वं
त्रैकाल्ये भेदहीनं त्रिभिरहम् अनिशं योगभेदै: भजे त्वाम् ॥९॥

trailOkyaM bhaavayantaM triguNamayamidaM tryaksharasyaika vaachyaM
triishaanaam aikyaruupaM tribhirapi nigamai: giiyamaana svaruupaM |
tisrO(a)vasthaa vidantaM triyuga janijuShaM trikramaakraanta vishvaM
traikaalye bhedahiinaM tribhiraham anishaM yOgabhedai: bhaje tvaam || 9 ||

सत्यं शुद्धं विबुद्धं जयति तव वपु: नित्यमुक्तं निरीहं
निर्द्वन्द्वं निर्विकारं निखिल गुण गण व्यञ्जनाधार भूतम् ।
निर्मूलं निर्मलं तन्निरवधि महिमोल्लासि निर्लीनमन्त:
निस्सङ्गानां मुनीनां निरुपम परमानन्द सान्द्र प्रकाशम् ॥१०॥

satyaM shuddhaM vibuddhaM jayati tava vapu: nityamuktaM niriihaM
nirdvandvaM nirvikaaraM nikhila guNa gaNa vya~njanaadhaara bhuutam |
nirmuulaM nirmalaM tanniravadhi mahimOllaasi nirliinamanta:
nissangaanaaM muniinaaM nirupama paramaananda saandra prakaasham || 10 ||

दुर्वारं द्वादशारं त्रिशत परिमिलत् षष्टि पर्वाभिवीतं
सम्भ्राम्यत् क्रूरवेगं क्षणमनु जगदाच्छिद्य सन्धावमानम् ।
चक्रं ते कालरूपं व्यथयतु न तु मां त्वत् पदैकावलम्बं
विष्णो कारुण्य सिन्धो पवनपुरपते पाहि सर्वामयौघात् ॥११॥

durvaaraM dvaadashaaraM trishata parimilat ShaShTi parvaabhiviitaM
sambhraamyat kruuravegaM kshaNamanu jagadaachChidya sandhaavamaanam |
chakraM te kaalaruupaM vyathayatu na tu maaM tvat padaikaavalambaM
viShNO kaaruNya sindhO pavanapurapate paahi sarvaamayaughaat || 11 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam-------